Saturday, July 11, 2009

Phoneix nude Swiming

Two naturist clubs in Arizona will host skinny-dipping swimmers trying for a Guiness world record Saturday. One nude swimming event is scheduled for noon at New River's Shangri La Ranch.

The Arizona Wildflowers have another event elsewhere. Arizona Wildflowers is one of the largest travel clubs (aka: non-landed) in AANR, with over 200 adult members. They began in 1980 as a small group of friends, but are now a proprietary club. If you feel that your concepts of social nudism are in agreement with theirs, they welcome you to join the group for a pool party or a campout, a potluck, or a special event.

The Arizona Republic reported today that: The nude swimming events are scheduled for noon in New River and at another undisclosed location in the Valley. New River's Shangri La Ranch and Arizona Wildflowers are part of a nationwide attempt to be listed in Guinness World Records. The national event, called "AANR Largest Skinny-Dip Across America," is coordinated by the American Association for Nude Recreation, which hopes to attract 20,000 participants nationally. AANR officials said 132 clubs, including Arizona Wildflowers and Shangri La, offered to participate.

Now if you want to participate, you have to do it under the watchful eyes of the sponsors of one of these official skinny-dipping events. You can't go nude in your backyard pool and be counted. And, you can't go nude in your bathtub and be counted!